Spike is a log file viewing & (if we’re being generous) analysis tool for Rails developers.
When developing a Rails application it is not unusual to end up poring over log files to Understand why particular actions are, or are not, happening. Rails typically logs quite a lot of information and, in a production environment, there can be a lot of requests to wade through.
The AIM of Spike is to make it easy to see all of your requests, narrow them down to only the most relevant, and examine the details of those requests. To Do It quickly, and with a pleasant interface.
- Optimized interface (read: not many features!)
- Filter requests by controller, action, session, client, or Rails filter action (e.g. login_required)
- Display summary of request details with drill-down to parameters, rendered templates, and raw log info
- Remove specific controller:action combos (e.g. SessionController#heartbeat)
- Native support for opening gzip’d logs
- Document based, open multiple log files to compare
- And that’s about it…